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Time to Start Afresh.

Regrettably, January will be the last term of stay and play (we may finish at half term).

Stay and Play was set up for a purpose to provide a safe place for the mums in the area and to build community. However, as I expected, as the kids get older and start attending preschool and other activities, numbers have decreased to a level which is unsustainable.

This was never about money and competing with other programmes; this is my passion project and I'm not done yet. I'm just being realistic at this venture. I recognise there is still a need here so I will spending some time rebranding so it is the family centred group this community needs it to be; being more inclusive of all people with families not just those who are pre school age.

So, I am absolutely gutted about the end but, It's okay. Thank you for all your support over the last two years. Here is the diary for the

coming weeks.

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